Today was a pretty unimportant day. It passed in a flash and before I knew it somehow I had walked myself home and called my mom. I tried turning on the speaker on my cell phone and playing piano for her since it must be really boring stuck in an office cubicle all day. Unfortunately, some of her co-workers came in and she hung up, but I didn't notice because I was busy making a big racket on the piano...
I spent too long attempting to replace the furniture in one of the houses in the Sims 2, so I didn't have enough time to spend on the computer doing other things like posting in the Nutrinopets forums and replying to all my comments on Crunchyroll...I guess from now on I need to manage my time better. Then I saw my mom was looking at Google maps so I went and clicked on the images on it and looked at the national parks.
Anyhow, tomorrow I have a busy day because Stanford is having some sort of day where they are letting you take classes (for a price!). I am going to take two afternoon classes so I have to the library in the morning and I won't get any free time until the evening rolls around. But at least I get to visit my favorite college again!
Labels: cell phone, college, crunchyroll, furniture, google maps, music, nutrinopets, piano, sims 2, speakers, splash, stanford, time, time management
meh. my fave college is UCSD. :D
Ooh, UC San Diego? That's a cool college. I might want to go there. :)
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