...would be the newspaper delivery man. Or woman. I couldn't tell since I wasn't looking at the car window. But whoever it is, was trying to hit me today. I was just minding my own business and walking home from school. Right now the newspaper guy was making his rounds in his mysterious white van (unlike the mailman's truck, it doesn't have anything written on it). I was pretty shocked when a newspaper flew across the path, only a few feet from hitting me. It's a lucky thing I walk a lot slower than the van goes, because every time it passes a house, another newspaper is hurled out of the car window. Doesn't anyone realize it's safety hazard at this time of day? What if it hit some poor little kindergarten kid in the head and she started to cry? (But I guess that's really unlikely anyhow...)
For some reason, my only skill in drawing is copying. If I am given a picture and told to make a replica of it, I might do pretty well, but as for making things up from scratch, without anything to go by, I usually mess up pretty bad. I guess I'll probably be arrested for copyright infringement if I take advantage of any copying abilities, though, so I guess I can only draw pictures and keep them secret.
If you've ever wanted to be a sports pro, I think you ought to get a Wii (it comes with the game Wii Sports). The sports are so much easier on the Wii. For instance, in Tennis, Baseball, and Golf, you won't miss the ball, as long as you time your swing right. (Not to say that you might hit the ball somewhere you don't want to, like off the field/court, or into the rough) And you could easily become a master at bowling, since the ball only weighs as much as the Wii Remote (which is not much at all).
Today one of my friends insisted on tying my hair into a bun. She was bored and figured she'd use my hair, like I was a doll or something. (I don't mind, though. For some reason I like it when people fuss with my hair.) So she tied it in a bun. It's kind of odd not to have my usual ponytail, but not bad either. At least I don't end up eating my hair at lunchtime.
After school some suspicious men went over to the trash dump (on the other side of my house's fence) and put down some wooden things (they looked like the backs of picture frames, or perhaps a painting easel, but who knows what they were). Then they unlocked the "gates" to the trash dump and opened it. Maybe that's what they do for a living or something.
It reminded me of something long forgotten from my childhood, though. Years ago, my grandma was staying at our house to watch over me, and she found a discarded rug on top of the trash dump. We brought it home, washed it, and then put it on the wood chips of my playground (I have a small playground in my backyard. Unfortunately I'm a bit big to use it nowadays). Whenever I use the swings my shoes tend to fall off, so now at least if I want to get off the swing I can step onto the rug and not get my socks poked by wood chips.
Labels: athlete, dump, enemy, hairstyle, newspaper, plagiarize, playground, replicate, rug, wii
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