I just realized that I had made a mistake in the previous blog post, " ' Tis the Season to be Jolly ". Though I'd submitted the Monday cooking recipe as Baguette Costrini, it is actually Mozzarella Costrini. Pardon the error. (Did anyone notice on their own?)
Today I got distracted from my math homework and ended up browsing a few of the online catalogs of local libraries. What I found funny was that some manga books which were copyrighted back around 2001 were only just bought, in 2009. I guess the library isn't reliable when it comes to buying books as they come out. Maybe because it's cheaper to buy a book once it's old?
Then I took a look at my hold requests. I requested a lot of books online. Two of them are ready - one is Full Moon o Sagashite (a manga by Arina Tanemura) - and the other is Inkdeath, a book in the "Ink" serious written by Cornelia Funke. It turns out I requested that back in December 2008, and it is only just ready, even though there are probably many copies of the book. Whew.
I was afraid we were going to run the mile today in PE class, but it turns out it was postponed because the track is still muddy. We are instead running tomorrow. I don't know whether to be relieved or freaked out. I guess it is a mixture of the two.
I'd heard strange rumors from other people in Village I about the video we are watching in science class. Someone said that all of a sudden, in the video, a girl wearing a swim suit runs out of nowhere onto the screen. I kept my eyes open for that, since I wanted to know if it was true, but seeing as our class is behind on watching the video, we didn't see that part.
Which then reminds me, it seems like we always watch old-timey videos in class. I think we have a DVD player but don't use it all that much. Mr. Blair's videos, well, you can tell they're old since the image is just slightly fuzzy and it seems awfully cheesy. I prefer Discovery/History/National Geographic Channel documentaries since they have good imagery. And then Mr. Brown's videos also look like that, except for a few which seem slightly more modern. I guess this means they have been teaching for quite a while.
Mr. Blair has a collection of Olmec heads. Apparently he used to make his kids make a miniature one as a project. He opened his whiteboard/cabinet thing and showed us. One of them is green and is sitting on a fake toilet (I don't really understand it, but whatever) and another one is white and made out of soap. Mr. Blair thinks we ought to bury it in our backyards, and when we move out of Cupertino, one of two scenarios may happen.
1) Wake up in the morning and suddenly remember Olmec head. Drive all the way back to Cupertino, to the old house, and sneak into the backyard to dig it up.
2) New resident of house wants to do some landscaping and digs up the Olmec head. Thinks it is a rare artifact when it is actually just a kid's abandoned homework.
By the way, here is a picture of an Olmec head. (It is not the same as the Moai Statues of Easter Island) They are believed to be portraits of Mayan rulers. They can be over 8 feet tall and weigh 10 tons. If you haven't learned about the Mayans yet in 7th grade, if you have the same textbook, you may eventually read about it.

Labels: books, catalog, error, full moon o sagashite, homework, inkdeath, library, olmec head, PE class, videos
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