Besides occasionally accepting a chip if someone offers them to me, I don't really eat chips unless it's a last resort. But recently my parents bought a box full of Sun Chips. I was curious and tried eating some of the Cheddar Cheese flavor. It reminds me of Cheetos since it leaves orange dust on your hands and it tastes...well...Cheeto-ish. Chips taste so-so but by now I prefer to have a cup of yogurt or a granola bar (I eat the Quaker brand Chewy bars, and my favorite flavor is Chocolate Chip). Even eating salad or grapes or carrots is acceptable since eating it for more than a year got me used to it.
My dad is watching a weird movie. It's kind of scary. A weird guy with glasses is slapping an unhappy-looking lady and yelling at her to "talk" (probably meaning he wants her to reveal a secret) while another guy is swimming in the ocean, trying to escape from Russia, but a ship with guns and a searchlight is looking for him. I don't really like this kind of movie since it's so serious and filled with negative emotions. Also, the people in the movie speak Russian and sometimes French (and seeing as I can understand neither, it just sounds like a jumble of random noises to me, no offense if you are from either country).
It seems like I'm on a crazy streak when it comes to tests. The last two tests, science and history, have both gotten me 100% scores. This is weird behavior for me, so what if the teachers get suspicious of me and accuse me of cheating? Or I might become overconfident, and then get bad test scores again, and be depressed. (That's the natural "valleys and mountains" pattern of my life, I guess) It seems like I have to pay the price of my physical ability for my academic ability, though. At my fastest (back in the 1st trimester of this year) I could run up to 7:50. Now it's all the way back to 8:50. This is just pitiful. I feel like I wasted all that time. Maybe I should go back to my "weekend training" where I run a mile on the track. I don't feel like it, though, since I'm already so tired from PE classes. However, I have the free time...Guess it's a choice I'll have to make.
Right now I'm writing up my WEB application, since my mom wants me to try and get in. Probably she wants me to learn responsibility and leadership, and maybe help me get into a so-called "good college". I would like to be a WEB leader but I'm not sure if I would be good at dealing with so many kids. I mean, I myself didn't absorb everything at my own orientation (you visit the school in August and are given a tour, and play some games with your WEB leaders, which are 8th graders selected to give you a hand in the school year) so I wonder if I would be able to handle it. Well, I'll just hope for the best.
My essay for the application was just plain weird. I hope it doesn't confuse the Beanstalk (Jack and the Beanstalk? You know? My new nickname for my language arts teacher, who is my favorite and I don't want to insult her, but I also want to protect people's privacy from now on), the Camper (My math teacher), the Good One (A 6th grade teacher, whose last name is a Chinese word that roughly stands for things that are "good" such as the sun, men, etc.), or the Ray (A PE teacher who is considered to be tough). Those four are the WEB advisers this year and will be reviewing the applications. I had no idea the Ray was on the WEB team, actually, so that was news to me.
Labels: cheddar cheese, cheetos, chips, consequences, exams, fitness, freaky, grades, language, movie, nickname, privacy, sun chips, WEB
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