My pal "Shiroi Hime" gathered together her friends and now we're doing a blog together. Sounds like a lot of work to me, but it will be interesting to work with someone else. I've only done team efforts when it comes to an online newspaper (I used to make some comics) and sometimes art commissions. But mostly I'm a "lone ranger", if you understand what I'm saying.
I've done my homework for the next two days (and I just remembered I didn't finish practicing piano) so I am pretty much free for a short while. I guess I'd better do what's important while I'm on the computer and then do what I like. I hope my mom doesn't notice that I seem to be relatively unoccupied tonight. She's sure to give me something to do if she sees. It's a good thing she's inside working on her computer right now. My dad mostly won't bother me until it gets toward 9:00. Then he gets sort of testy.
I tried to take a nap today on the couch, even had a blanket brought to me. But I had a headache and couldn't manage to fall asleep. Maybe I should manage my time better so I can sleep earlier. That might be relatively helpful. But it's said more easily than it's done. (I really like saying expressions, such as "barking up the wrong tree", nowadays.)
Labels: blog, school, sleep, time
Sofas are too thin of a place for me to sleep.
Whenever I sleep on one, I endu waking up at 1 because I rolled off
I usually don't roll off, except for the time when I was younger I rolled off the bed (despite there being a safety fence thing).
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