I've been pretty busy lately because my mom seems to be in a worse mood than usual lately. Maybe it's the cold weather. I hear that the older you are, the more the cold may bother you. Since my dad and grandma are bothered by the lower temperatures, maybe my mom is too.
I went trick-or-treating, since it is Hallow's Eve today, after all. My friends (whose names I will not mention unless they want me to) and I went trick-or-treating together in their neighborhood (my friends live sort of near each other). I dressed up as a Hawaiian tourist this year. It is easy costume for me to pull off and looks pretty nifty as well. One friend was a chef, the other was Emma Skye (from the Phoenix Wright games).
In class, we watched what was seriously the best Halloween movie ever. XD It was called THE WEIRD NUMBER!!! We watched it in math class. I don't want to spoil it, but it is lame but funny at the same time. I couldn't find a video of it on Youtube, though. D: If I do, I will share it here.
0h coolz XD. So you went trickortreating with Marina?
Yeah. Margaret too, since they seem to live in the same neighborhood. o_O
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