Today, I had my third encounter with someone who had I believed to have died - er, moved away. I saw him twice before. The first time, RaHa (Those are the first two letters of his first and last name, to protect his privacy, I suppose) had stopped his bike and was doing something. I think he was going to use his cell phone or maybe he forgot something or perhaps he was counting cars. I have no idea. The second time he was on his bike, pedaling home presumably. This was interesting, because where he was going signified he went to my school, and I had not seen him at school. (In fact, we thought he had moved away before entering middle school) And then I saw him today, in the lunch line, and the lunch lady was telling him what he could get at the salad bar, since he didn't have enough $$$ or some other problem. So now the truth has come out: THE DEAD TRULY CAN COME BACK TO LIFE.
Recently I have found out about two websites, FMyLife and MyLifeIsAverage. Let's not mention what the F stands for in the first website. Anyhow, both these websites contain little "stories" from people. It's usually negative things on FMyLife and just weird things on MyLifeIsAverage. I came up with my own, though I am not planning to submit it to either of them.
Today, I was in my classroom minding my own business. I looked out the window and saw a girl walk by. She was holding a toilet seat and looking at it.
Actually, I think that toilet seat is the hall pass for one of the classrooms... (Whether it is a real toilet seat I am not sure about) And I remember it was a helmet of some sort that was the hall pass for orchestra/band. All my teachers this year have very ordinary hall passes, though. What a shame.
My history teacher mentioned something today which I wish that I had been able to put in my previous post "the bond between parent and child". He said that people tend to raise their kids the way their parents raised them. Even if you may deny it, saying "I'm going to be nothing like my parents!" it often turns out that you are like your parents. My teacher himself came up with a prime example. When he was young, he would wrestle with his father for fun. His father would say, "Get off my back, Evelyn!" and then Mr. Brown would say, "I'm not Evelyn, I'm *insert his name here*." This happened again with Mr. Brown and his son. His son wanted to play horsey so he climbed on top of his dad's back. Then Mr. Brown couldn't resist saying, "Get off my back, Evelyn!" and his son said, "I'm not Evelyn, I'm *insert his name here*." By the way, if you don't understand "Get off my back, Evelyn" it's apparently something in a movie, which I haven't watched.
Labels: children, death, fmylife, get off my back evelyn, hall pass, history, lunch line, method, moving, mylifeisaverage, parents, return, school, seat, toilets
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