The term "eye candy" is usually meant to express that something is attractive or otherwise pleasant to look at. I guess if you are like me and are fond of anything shiny, you would think the new computer is eye candy. My dad recently bought a new desktop computer and monitor. The monitor is a Samsung 1920x1080 screen (it is so huge, it's bigger than the other desktop, which is only 1440x900 screen resolution), the keyboard is a black Dell one with raised keys (exactly the same as my other one, i have learned), a black computer mouse (also from Dell and it has a cord. My old computer mouse is a wireless one from Logitech, the webcam company XD), and the "computer" itself, which is a long, thin black Vostro/Dell thing. It is all very pretty because it is new, but I am not accustomed to Windows Vista. (We used to use Windows 2000 but many of our computers are Windows XP) When I was downloading Google Chrome, since we only had Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox on this new computer so far, I couldn't find it because apparently it was in the Downloads folder, not in the Desktop like I'm accustomed to. It will take time to get used to the new computer.
Anyhow, you might be wondering why we even bothered buying a new computer. My mom has two computers in her home-office-room, one is a big white Windows 2000 which she uses to play her Korean dramas sometimes, and the other one is a slightly more modern Windows XP (back in the day, I used to use that). Then there is the laptop that my dad got from his work. And then there's the silverish Dell laptop I used to use, before it got too slow from age and too much stuff on it. And then there's my usual desktop, which I have grown oddly attached to (since I don't have a dog or cat *hint hint*, I instead like other objects). And now there is the new computer. My dad is always hogging my desktop, because he insists he is making neopoints for my Neopets account (I know I am a multi-millionaire, but I am "pretending" that I have a retirement fund) but he is sometimes checking how his golfers are doing in his PGA Tour Fantasy Golf.
It's called Fantasy Golf because the people who "play" Fantasy Golf don't actually golf. (Though my dad has mentioned he would like to learn sometime) They just watch the Golf Channel on television, and research golfers, and then if they pay (or not, depends on which site you use and whether you want to get real $$$ IF you win) they can choose golfers and see how they do. The better your golfers score, the more points you get. If you're first place, then you can actually roll in the moo-lah. (I mean money, sorry if that's confusing.) But of course, only one person can be first, anyways. And I'm sure most of the time, it isn't my dad. (So I don't really approve of his playing PGA Tour Fantasy Golf because it is like gambling. Oh well. It runs in the family. His mother has been gambling and playing mah-jong since a loooong time ago. Except she usually wins money.)
Labels: computer, eye candy, fantasy golf, golf, keyboard, monitor, mouse, new, share, shiny, windows vista
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