My mother and I have been butting heads (not literally, just figuratively) over the dilemma of what backpack to use for the next school year. I have the option of my trusty black Jansport roller backpack, or my brown can't-sit-up-straight "regular" backpack, also of the Jansport brand. The roller backpack seems that it would be easier to use, what with not feeling the weight on your back, and thus improving your posture. But roller backpacks cause people to trip (sometimes a good thing, not always, does anyone remember the time I almost killed a PE teacher?), and often get unbalanced so you need to stop and flip it over every time it gets upside down. Plus, it seems that a lot of people are addicted to my roller backpack. If I have it, then they will insist on pulling it, or pushing the handle up and down for amusement. And the roller backpack is hard to use on stairs. I wonder about it myself but I have decided for now I will use the brown backpack since we should not be carrying much in the beginning of the school year (well, except for maybe textbooks, but I'm pretty sure they won't give that to me on the first day...right?).
Other things are also questionable about the next school year. For one thing, I wonder if I will be walking home by myself or with the girl (I guess I could say neighbor since she lives on the street parallel to mine) I walked with last year. I guess maybe my mom or I will have to call them and ask about it unless they do on their own. I heard that the girl (keeping her name disclosed, though I used her initials in some other post) wants to ride a bicycle so I hope she will get to (for her sake and also a little for mine as well). If I am by myself I will not have to worry about inconveniencing her by stopping to take photos with my cell phone all the time. (Though I'd rather use a camera than a cell phone, because my cell phone can't take as good photos. But I'm not sure if you're allowed to bring cameras to school, and even if you are, not a good idea to keep it out since people might want to use it to take photos of me or themselves or even steal it)
I'm going to go back to the subject of my vacation since I'm sure I will forget most of what went on then unless I keep a record of it (if you think about it, my blog sort of serves as a scrapbook or something for me. Oh yeah, I heard one of my teachers last year liked scrapbooking, though that is pretty irrelevant). One of the people, whom I shall refer to as Harry, was with us while we were in Melbourne. He has two children, Lukey and Vanessa, Lukey being the younger one. I am still not exactly sure how Vanessa is spelled. You see, Harry probably liked tennis or something, because he wanted to name his daughter after Venus (one of the two Williams sisters). But something got messed up and an A was added or something because her name is not Venus after all. I thought it was kind of interesting, though maybe my name's reason is more clear, as when I was in elementary school one of the YMCA day care staff liked to called me "Sydney Australia" or just "Australia" sometimes.
Labels: australia, backpack, blog, jansport, middle school, name, pros and cons, roller backpack, scrapbook, sydney, vacation, venus williams
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