Sorry, Martin Luther King Jr., if you don't want me using part of your speech in this fashion. But it is true. At last the students have been released from the scholarly prison known as...KENNEDY MIDDLE SCHOOL!
Even though it must've been a long year, it feels like it all just flew by. Maybe I was having a good time or something, because I heard that time flies when you're having fun. I suppose next time will be just a pain, then. I have often heard that eighth grade is a difficult, busy year. I hope it is not true. This year was a blast, so next year will be a big crushing disappointment, especially if I turn out to have old geezers as my teachers (seriously, even Mr. Brown, my science teacher, is not fond of them, he says they always complain if his students walk by their classrooms talking too loudly).
That also makes me wonder about the new principal and vice principal next year. The new principal is Ms. Johnston, someone that I have never met. I heard that she had a baby not long ago so she will have to carry it around at work. My mom doesn't believe this; she says it's not allowed, and anyways Mr. Kampp and Mrs. Kampp (both teachers I have had, sixth grade and seventh grade respectively. They are married, if you didn't guess it) make their daughter go to daycare even though she is so little. Well, it is all yet to be seen. Either that or I have confused the principal and the vice principal, and the vice principal is the one with the baby?! The vice principal is a 7th grade science teacher, Ms. Stokes, I think, but not one of mine. Maybe if any of you have been in her village, you can tell me a bit more about whether any of this is true or if Mr. Blair has gotten ahold of the wrong rumors/information. (He told my history class about it)
Lately I have been trying my hand at taking photos and playing around with them. I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me some pointers about them. Sometimes I have trouble taking photos because my camera will try to light up what I'm taking a photo of if the place is not bright enough. But that kind of ruins the photo quality sometimes. So here is the "original" version of a photo I have edited using GIMP, since I had to make it bigger for DeviantArt (it looks just terrible there...). Click on it to see the real size (Blogger can't show something so big) Oh, and before I end this post, I would like to ask you all something. Do you know how to make it so when you take photos, there won't be orange numbers telling you what day you took the picture? It really annoys me since I have to cut that part out of the pictures. Thanks if you know.

Labels: baby, editing, eighth grade, gimp, martin luther king, middle school, orange numbers, photography, principal, seventh grade, teacher, vice principal
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